Stress Management
Course Description
Stress is increasingly becoming a major cause affecting people's health. It is, therefore, essential to look for ways to keep stress at bay. The Stress Management course has been designed to help you understand and tackle a common problem - stress. The modules not only help you assess the symptoms of stress and associated illnesses, but also its causes. They explain key terminologies, the Fight. Flight or Freeze responses, the sources and stages of stress response. The course also discusses adaptive coping and resilient factors.
What You will Learn
Why this course is important?
Stress in any amount can affect an individual, not only mentally but also physically as well as emotionally. Managing stress is crucial as it might lead to negative repercussions in our day-to-day life. This e-learning course on Stress management helps understand the signs, symptoms and causes of stress and ways to overcome them. Learning through this course also proves beneficial as the course is equipped with visually enriching graphics and interactive assessment to evaluate learners' understanding at the end of course.