Leading Effective Meetings
Course Description
No one wants to attend an unproductive meeting. Meetings are typically essential for any organisation to provide opportunities to the team. Organising a meeting is just the first step; conducting it on time and arriving at conclusions is the crucial part. This e-Learning course is designed to guide learners through protocols and challenges of conducting e-meetings, what should be done in meetings and ways to conclude a meeting, etc. Interactive content and scenarios along with quiz is designed to engage learners into effective learning.
What You will Learn
Why this course is important?
Discussing, brainstorming, reporting, team building, in fact, all interactions, personal or professional, can be summed up in a single term - Meetings. Yet, while it is essential to conduct meetings to achieve succeess, not all meetings are successful. Here is all you need to know about the protocols to follow to lead an effective meeting. An informative e-Learning course with practical examples, processes and tips on leading effective meetings in an engaging, interactive package.